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Daily position reports

Teams report their position at the end of each day on the mobile site. These positions are plotted on the map and listed in the table on this page.

Shouts today

Team EF, 21:04
For the participants at Oerlinghausen: the briefing has been rescheduled to 7 am due to unforeseen maintenance on the sanitary facilities.

Team ED, 21:01

Team ED, 21:00
Aahhh finaly...... Sweinebraten

Team RET, 20:49
Tomorrow nice weather and going east!

Team YE, 19:34
To all euroglide participants at Oerlinghausen please come to the briefing at 08:15 Wednesdaymorning at request of Oerlinghaus chief instructor. Location clubhouse near camping

Team EG, 17:37
Iemand een tipwieltje van een Arcus kwijt? Is gevonden op Borkenberge, ligt nu achter in onze auto.

Team LA, 17:19
Team LA ook te volgen via Twitter @RuudHteB

Team LA, 17:17
Vlucht met commentaar 20 juni

Team LA, 14:29
Aangekomen op een winderig Leszno met overcast. Morgen mooi weer

Team LA, 11:33
Bezoek Stalag Luft 3 is de moeite waard.

Team LA, 11:29
onderweg van Bronkow naar Leszno. Rijdend over Poolse "snelweg" krijg je veel waardering voor Belgische wegen...

Team WB1, 09:20
@H9 ticket geboekt naar Suriname ?

Team RW, 07:40
The weather has much potential for improvement today : )

Euroglide 2016 logo

Day 2, Tuesday 21 June

Day report

There are no comments published yet.
PositionSelf launchers Low TurbosHigh TurbosGliders
Borken-hoxfeld (EDLY)YY
Borkenberge (EDLB)41A S10 PS EG XB H9 VP 4D NU LB1 LT ZCR
Arnhem Deelen Ab (EHDL)2T RET XL 7L 2B
Grefrath-niershorst (EDLF)VC
Hunsborn (EDKH)EF ED
Leszno (EPLS)LA
Hamm Lippewiesen (EDLH)E11
Magdeburg (EDBM)4P
Munster-telgte (EDLT)SH E12 U6 DG6
Oerlinghausen (EDLO)Q3 unk LB2 PLZ KRO DD BB 49 M3 WB1 FX TX NV 41B 81 EX DX1 4T T12 DL EH YE
Porta Westfalica (EDVY)V8
Dinslaken Schwarze Heide (EDLD)DX2 iNO RW FND MCT IM 72 IN