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Daily position reports

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Shouts today

Team WO, 23:22
WO ON kammenmark

Team TP, 23:02
TP on Kyritz

Team DX1, 21:47
DX1 on Kyritz

Team N2, 21:26
N2 made it to grosse Wiese where we encountered nice hopitallity of the local club, now food and beer

Team BB1, 21:23
BB is in Kyritz with approximately 20 other teams!

Team LB2, 21:13
De "Lima Bravo twee" eigenlijk de enige echte LB!! staat op neuruppin wie had dat gedacht of we morgen echt beter weer krijgen is weer afwachten, morgenavond weten we meer groetkes Ton en Frits

Team Q3, 20:46
Q3 Fehrbellin

Team DX2, 20:36
DX2 staat op Fehrbellin, verder dan verwacht. Op 1500m was het 3 gr C, brr in je T-shirt.

Team G4, 20:08
G4 staat op Wilsche, 8 bedden binnen, keuken, douches, gratis handdoeken, koud bier, verse broodjes in de ochtend een Dimona en DR400 voor slepen. Yalla yalla!

Team M1, 20:00
M1 staat op Ballenstedt

Team BV, 19:55

Team NU, 19:53
Aan alle vliegers die op Kyritz geland zijn: Landingsgeld a €4 per kist Morgen om 10 uur bij de briefing gezamenlijk te voldoen.

Team ZVC, 11:59
EHTL still not found not able to add yet.

Team ZVC, 09:11
Goodmorning, Team zvc cant add ehtl as start location, terlet is not included in the database, please advise. Thank you

Euroglide 2022 logo

Day 1, Monday 20 June

Notice board

Formal messages from the organisation

Notifications today:

Goodmorning all. On Venlo airfield all the gliders are griding at the moment. We expect first take-off at 12:00 hrs. Here we will publish when Competition opens per class.
Modified 20 June 11:05

@team ZVC. Terlet should be added now: EHTL. Pls confirm
Modified 20 June 11:20

Class Gilders: Competition is OPEN
Modified 20 June 12:10

@team ZVC:
the D-Base sync is not live and needs to be retriggerd (this can be done later today). Please use Deelen, as this is the closest airfield to Terlet. No worries, as this location is not used for scoring etc. Just as an indication about "where is everybody".
Modified 20 June 12:37

Class Self Launchers: Competition is OPEN
Modified 20 June 12:46

Class Turbo: Competition is OPEN
Modified 20 June 13:31

Enroute frequency
Today there was a request for an enroute frequency. We suggest channel 122.555. This is an official air to air channel in whole Germany. Give it a try. If it is too busy, we look for another.
Modified 20 June 23:05

View all notifications to date

Day report

Class Self Launchers: Competition is OPEN
Modified 20 June 12:44

Class Turbo: Competition is OPEN
Modified 20 June 13:30

The starting shot has been fired, all teams are on their way. We see teams flying a more Western and others flying a more Easterly direction from the assignment line. What is the best choice? Follow the teams live, using this link:
Modified 20 June 17:45

PositionSelf launchers TurbosGliders
Kyritz (EDBK)BB1